Communication skills

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72 Visitas
Ponlo en tu web

Ponlo en tu web

Txell Llorach

The course is designed to introduce students to skills and strategies in organizational communications which are key in ensuring the recruitment, motivation, and retention of the best employees in the market and moreover to ensure their optimal performance. The course framework underscores that in order to negotiate effectively, managers must be able to communicate effectively. There is, therefore, an intrinsic link between both elements which are explored in a wide range of current, organizational issues and scenarios. As much as possible, the course will be a forum based on the current or aspired context of the student group. It will address many of the issues that they are likely to encounter in their management roles. As such, the course will involve a combination of theory, case analysis, written assignments, readings and group, and discussion. There will be supporting presentations made using power point, podcasts, and videos.

Tipo de licencia universal Licencia de Creative Commons
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publisher Txell Llorach 03/05/2024 author Txell Llorach 03/05/2024 author Txell Llorach 03/05/2024