Trigonometrical ratios

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As Thales' theorem tells us, trigonometrical ratios of an angle do not depend on the right-angled triangle we choose. Therefore, we can choose a right-angled triangle whose hypotenuse is the radius of a unit circle. We have drawn a set of axes and used the origin as the centre of an auxiliary circle whose radius is equal to one unit. We have drawn a right-angled triangle in the circle, which we will use to define the trigonometrical ratios. By choosing a radius of this length we have made it easier to find, for each trigonometrical ratio of a given angle, a segment whose length is equal to this ratio. This circle whose radius is equal to one unit is called the unit circle.

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Tipo de licencia universal Licencia de Creative Commons
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publisher INTEF 03/06/2024 publisher INTEF . 03/06/2024 publisher INTEF 03/06/2024 author Pedro Férez Martínez 03/06/2024 publisher Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas (ITE) 03/06/2024 editor Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas (ITE) 03/06/2024 technical validator José Luis Alcón Camas 03/06/2024